www.richardbaybutt.com: 365 ish

365 ish

Been busy with the arm chopping. Morbid but I had a local anaesthetic and watched the whole thing. Proper interesting. 4mm allen key bolts (wasn't allowed to keep them) and a great titanium plate (allowed to keep that). Arm hurts a little but keep forgetting to take my painkillers so can't be that bad. 

Had a funny moment right after surgery. Was wheeled back to the ward and given a cup of tea and a (grim) tuna sandwich. My arm hurt and I felt pretty faint, even though I'd felt fine watching an hour and a half of people cutting into my arm with tools much like the ones I have at home. I shut my eyes and next thing I know ALL the nurses from the ward (about 10 of them) were standing round my bed looking a bit panicked. I'd passed out and stopped breathing apparently. Not for long but they had to bang my chest and pull my head back - so they said. Worst bit was I'd spilt my tea on the floor! Anyway - wasn't so ill I couldn't go home an hour later and was back at Catford HQ by 1pm. Less than 5 hours total. Amazing. Thank you everyone involved at Kings. Especially nurse Jackie, Andrew the anaesthetist and Mark the surgeon. Also family B for picking me up and Miss P for general looking after me. I'm in good hands. 

Last night was the Death Spray Custom show at the Exposure Gallery. We looked on it as a good excuse to go to Tortilla in Market Place for a burrito but DSC's work is great also! He recently painted his T-max all white with a big UN logo on the front. With his baby blue helmet he turns a few heads round town. Max CFH prez was in the house but not for long as he's been knocked off earlier and had a bunch of dickheads saying it was his fault. Be careful out there. 

I'm going to get back to sitting in the sun, reading the last of "The girl who played with fire" (pretty stressful) and rediscovering Bad Religion.

Take it easy. RB